Ibrahim Wiki

- Create a New Text Document. (The location is not important). - Rename the file to ‘test.udl’. - Double click the ‘test.udl’.

- From the ‘Data link properties’ dialog box, change to the ‘Provider’ tab.

- Select the Provider that will be used to connect to your database. For example, if you need to check the availability of a Microsoft SQL database, you would need to select ‘Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server’.

- Click on ‘Next>>’ to continue to the ‘Connection’ page. The ‘Connection’ page will request information which is used to access your database. The

- Rest of the procedure will assume you are checking the availability of a Microsoft SQL database. -

Select or enter the Server name and the username and password used to access the database.

You can also specify a specific database, should you need to check the availability of a specific database on the server.

Click the ‘Test Connection’ button to confirm the connection to the server and database using the information specified.

Open ‘test.udl’ with notepad. The file will contain a line with your connection string, which will be similar to:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=YourPassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=YourUserID;_Initial Catalog=YourDB;Data Source=YOUR_LOCAL_SERVER_NAME

You can use the string in the file in the Check created in GFI Network Server Monitor. [Reference]
